We're often asked which SnoozeShade is most suitable for different babies, so we thought we'd put together a guide.
A quick note re safety
To reassure you, all of SnoozeShade products are designed to meet rigorous safety testing that goes above and beyond what is required by nursery industry standards.
This means that our products undergo extra safety tests to ensure that every single product we make is 100% safe for use.
All SnoozeShade products are made from our special laboratory-tested air permeable, lightweight and stretchy mesh fabric that allows air (hot or cold) to circulate easily.
Your SnoozeShade is safe to use in hot weather and is used happily by parents in Australia, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and other hot countries.
If you have any questions at all please don't hesitate to get in touch. We're on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram too.
For babies aged 0-6 months
All SnoozeShade products are suitable for use from birth, but there are products more suited for younger babies.
For prams and carrycots
We recommend SnoozeShade Original and SnoozeShade Original Deluxe buggy sunshades for babies under six months. The reason why they are suited to younger babies is because there is no lookout panel and they give great overhead shade which is so important when baby is lying flat in a pram.
SnoozeShade Original provides the highest rated UV protection of UPF50+ and blocks 99% of UVA and UVB and can be used safely indoors and outdoors. SnoozeShade Original Deluxe blocks 97.5% of the sun's harsh UV rays.
When baby is asleep, our front 'sneak-a-peek' zip means you can quickly and easily check on your baby without having to lift the whole cover up or let in lots of light which can wake or disturb a sleeping baby.
Our sleeping baby emblem also deters well-meaning people from disturbing your sleeping baby.
Parents often find when they start to use SnoozeShade regularly, it becomes a sleep trigger for their baby in the same way that shutting the curtains in the nursery is a signal that it is sleep time.
SnoozeShade car seat shades
Our sun shades for car seats are designed for use with infant car seats that have a rigid carry handle. They give 360-degree protection from sun, wind, chill and can be used until your baby outgrows their infant car seat.
If your car seat does not need a seatbelt to hold it in place then our car seat shade will give baby extra protection from the sun coming through the car window. You can leave the front panel open and baby will still be protected from bright light.
We do not encourage extended use of infant car seats with young babies but our shades are useful for when you need to move baby from car to home without disturbing them.
Our car seat shades are a universal fit for all types of infant car seats including Maxi-Cosi (CabrioFix, Pebble and all infant versions) Doona, Cybex, Graco, Hauck, Silver Cross and many more. If it has a carry handle then it will fit.
For babies aged 6 months+
Once baby is sitting up, we recommend either a SnoozeShade Plus or Plus Deluxe. Both designs feature a 'lookout' panel that enables babies to enjoy a good view of the world whilst awake. This means you don't need to remove the SnoozeShade at the end of nap time, and your baby will still benefit from sun protection too.