Helping your little one get a good night’s sleep when they are away from home.
One of the things parents often worry about when taking a trip with their baby is whether the bub's sleep will be affected by sleeping somewhere new.
To tackle the tricky conundrum of managing to get your bubs to sleep well in a strange environment, we've asked Emma, baby sleep consultant and founder of Perfect Little Sleepers to give us some of her professional tips. Over to you Emma!
“These are my top four tips to help you keep your baby's nap and sleep routine on track when you're staying away from home - whether that is with family or on holiday.
- Try to follow your baby's usual routine as closely as you possibly can or follow an age-appropriate awake time to help them settle to sleep more easily.
- Don’t forget baby's comforter (if they have one) and sleeping bag. Both of these will help them to familiarise their new sleep environment with their normal environment at home.
- Play some white noise to block out any noise or unfamiliar sounds.
- Invest in SnoozeShade for Portacot. I have one and it’s been a God-send when we’ve stayed with family or been away on holiday, when the room has been too bright at naptime, bedtime and early in the morning. It really helps block out the light. Darkness helps increase production of the sleep hormone melatonin, which will help your baby to settle to sleep more easily and sleep for longer.”
You can find Emma on Instagram where she shares lots more helpful info on bubs sleep, as well as offering one to one assistance to sleep-deprived parents.
Further Reading:
Travel Hacks for Busy Parents
What Should My Baby Wear in Bed?
Best Baby Sleeping Bags