Ensure that your baby gets a good night’s sleep when you are away from home with these helpful tips
Are you busy planning to take your bubs for their first holiday? Travelling with a baby can seem daunting, as there is so much to remember! Babies may be small but they seem to need lots of gear, so know what is good to take with you and what you can leave behind – we have a helpful newborn travel checklist here.
How do you keep your bubs happy on the journey? How do you manage travel sickness? How many changes of clothes do you really need and, of course the big question that every parent asks themselves, how will baby sleep on holiday? Here are some tips and tricks for helping your bubs to sleep when you’re away from home.
Holidays are great fun and sometimes they’re only opportunity we get to have break from routine and let our hair down for a week or two. However, babies like routine and it helps them sleep a lot better, too. So how do you keep things roughly the same as they are at home?
Going away might well upset your bubs's sleep routine and you might find yourself with an unsettled baby for a night or two, either once you arrive at your destination, or when you return home again. Thankfully, these disruptions are usually short-lived fixed and can be minimised, too. Here’s how:
- Relax your routine. While still aiming to have roughly the same sleep routine on holiday as you do at home, you need to have some flexibility. Don't abandon your routine but don't be rigid with it either. Once you're home again and back in familiar surroundings, your bubs will probably fall back into her usual habits. It might take a few days but nothing that can't be fixed.
- Be in tune with your baby. If bubs usually naps at 11am, aim for that time while you’re on holiday but don't panic if you're a little late. Watch your bubs for signs of tiredness and let your bubs lead the way.
- Let your baby nap for longer. Especially if they are sleeping outside, in the pushchair while you’re on your way somewhere or eating out at a restaurant or if you've had a busier than usual day. Make sure you have SnoozeShade over your pushchair to help them nap! Let your bubs sleep a little longer if it suits your plans. It won't hurt.
- If your baby does sleep a little longer during the day, it may be possible to move bedtime a little later too. If this is the case and you want your bubs to stay up a little later, watch for signs of tiredness and start your usual bedtime routine as soon as you feel your little bubs is ready.

Keeping Baby Cool and Shaded
Babies sleep better when they're cool and shaded and if you're in a hot country it's more important than ever to practice sun safety. Don't leave home without SnoozeShade, the only way to create a shady nook for sleep when you’re out and about. There's a chance that your bubs will take all their naps in their pushchair while you're away, so SnoozeShade helps you create a sleep space she is familiar with and it offers sun protection too.
Sleeping In An Unfamiliar Bed
Even adults can find it hard to sleep in an unfamiliar bed with strange surroundings, so don't be surprised if your little bubs has trouble too. Try to keep things familiar if you can:
- Take a travel cot with that your baby has used before. SnoozeShade for portacots makes an essential travel item when it comes to sleep too. Unfamiliar rooms can be unsettling and if you're sharing a hotel room, you're going to want to take all the steps you can to make sure your bubs isn't disturbed.
- Take blankets, sheets or sleeping bags with you that baby usually sleeps in at home and that have a familiar smell to them.
- Take your baby's favourite toy/comforter with you for familiarity.
- Try to keep as many of your same sleep cues and bedtime routine as you can: read the same story, sing the same song, have a bath. Do this in the same order as you usually do at home.
The first couple of days may be unsettled for your bubs but it shouldn't take too long to get into a new routine that works for your holiday. At least you don't need to get up for work the next day!
What tips can you share about helping your baby sleep well while you're away?
Further Reading:
Your Newborn Travel Checklist
Easy Ways to Protect Babies and Toddlers From The Sun
How SnoozeShade Goes The Extra Mile For Safety