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How to survive the school run with a baby

Four ways to make the school run with a baby easier

How to get the kids to school on time when you have a new baby 

The school run is never any parent’s favourite time of the day but it’s a necessary evil. If there are any ways we can make it easier and less stressful, bring it on! 

We’ve often been asked for advice on how to manage getting the kids to school when you have a baby or toddler in tow, so we thought we’d share our tips. Do you have any amazing tip? Add your comments on our social media channels to help other parents!

Be prepared

No school run will ever go smoothly if you're not getting everything ready the night before. So, make sure that all bags are packed, uniforms are ready and school shoes are by the door. Then make sure that you have everything for your baby ready too; clothes, nappies, wipes and feeding equipment. Have a changing bag fully stocked and ready beside the door (better still, under the pram) and don’t forget your SnoozeShade {LINK]. Store it under the pram in its handy pouch so it’s ready to go.

Get this all organised before you go to bed; you can also set the breakfast table, pop a wash on and fill the kettle. If you need a checklist, write one out and put it somewhere you’ll see it in the morning. You’ll sleep easier knowing all of this is sorted, trust us.

 School Run


Snacks, snacks, snacks!

Parents of toddlers know that leaving the house without ample snacks is a recipe for disaster. When it comes to the school run, snacks are essential. Fill a few small, lidded pots like these clever ones ( with healthy snacks to keep your toddler occupied and amused on the school run and don’t forget a drink too!

It’s all in the timing

The time that you have to leave the house and get to school is non-negotiable, so tweak your routine to fit around your older child’s timetable. It’s a really good idea to try to time your baby’s first nap to coincide with the school run, so that you can get it out of the way while you’re on the run. That way, you avoid an over-tired baby, and you don’t need to wake them from their nap to leave the house.

Read our tips for better sleep naps for your baby


This is where your SnoozeShade earns it’s weight in gold. Pop it over the pram at nap time and help your baby to sleep peacefully while you focus on your older children. It also stops nosy mums, dads and grandparents from nosing around your buggy and disturbing your baby! 

You can also organise feeding times around the school run. Give your baby a feed right before you leave home so that they won’t be hungry while you’re out and have everything you need for the next feed ready to go when you return. If you don’t get the chance to feed your baby before you leave, then take whatever you need for the feed with you and plan a quick pit stop if you need to.

Now that your baby is happy, let’s think about your toddler. As already mentioned, leaving the house at a set time is a must, so give your toddler plenty of time to get ready. If you aim to leave at least ten or fifteen minutes before you actually need to, this will allow for dawdling or delays by your toddler as they decide which socks to choose.

Also consider how long your toddler needs to walk to the school gates, or how long your car journey is. If you're walking, your toddler may need a buggy board to help with the journey. If you’re driving, your toddler will need to be occupied in the car, so keep some games or books handy.

School Run

Don’t stress

Yes, the school run is hard work and when you have a baby and a toddler in tow it can be really stressful. But try not to get too caught up in it all. You will get to school and you will eventually find the routine that works best for you. It may seem as though you’ll never get out of the door on time and one child will always want something as you leave - but forward planning will usually eliminate most of these dilemmas.

The most important thing to remember is that being late is not the end of the world and that you really are doing your very best. Good luck!


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